Energy Efficiency and Incentives
Click on the Links Below for Energy Efficiency Tips and Information
Residential Energy Services Network Home Energy Saving Tips for different areas of the home.
Stay Warm NH energy efficiency information, tips and links for residences. This website has lots of valuable information specific to New Hampshire.
Stay Warm NH energy efficiency information for businesses.
ENERGY STAR Guide to Energy Efficiency Heating and Cooling.
Energy Saver, U.S. Department of Energy. Lots of useful information on energy efficiency, from efficient computer use to solar energy.
Click on the Links Below for Energy Efficiency Rebates, Incentives, and Assistance Programs
Information on income-based weatherization assistance.
NH Home Performance with Energy Star. Weatherization program sponsored by your local utility, in partnership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Department of Energy. Homeowners can receive an incentive of 50% up to $4,000 of the installed costs of the recommended energy efficiency improvements.
ENERGY STAR Heating and Cooling Rebates.
NH Public Utilities Commission Rebate on Residential Solar Thermal.
NH Public Utilities Commission Rebate on Renewable Electricity Generation.
NH PUblic Utilities Commission Rebate on Bulk-Fed Pellet Boilers and Furnaces.
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